Two-Factor Biometric Authentication System with Fingerprint Technology: Implementation and Maintenance
A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued for the implementation and maintenance of a two-factor fingerprint biometric authentication sys...
Request for Proposal: Two-Factor Fingerprint Biometric Authentication System
Request for Proposal (RFP) Implementation and Maintenance of Two Factor Fingerprint Biometric Authentication. The bid due date is 24-Oct-202...
Installation of Centralized Access and Attendance Control System
Centralized access and Attendance control system. The bid due date is 15-Oct-2024. Tender ID: 2024_CDOT_824641_1....
Installation of ANPR and access control systems at Mumbai
The company has received a work order from One International Center Private Limited to carry out SITC (Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning) of Boom Bar...